weather package
Revolutionizing Weather
Forecasting for Farmers
in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
AIM for Scale is committed to scaling cost-effective innovations that improve the livelihoods of farmers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In 2024, AIM for Scale is launching its first Innovation Package, focused on generating and disseminating high-quality weather forecasts to meet the needs of hundreds of millions of farmers over the next two years. This ambitious initiative will be executed through strategic partnerships with donors, governments, civil society, academia, and the private sector.
Disseminating high-quality, farmer-centered weather forecasts at scale in LMICs
Hundreds of millions of smallholder farmers around the world could benefit from increased access to accurate, relevant, and timely weather and seasonal forecasts. Studies show that farmers adapt their practices and make critical investment decisions based on weather information.
Could be generated from improving state-level forecasts of monsoon rainfall totals in India
Estimated annual benefits from randomized trials
in Benin and Colombia
* Estimates based on Rosenzweig and Udry, 2019 using 2023 USD.
These examples highlight the immense potential of weather forecasts to enhance agricultural productivity and resilience. AIM for Scale aims to improve the quality and availability of weather forecasts and ensure that they are delivered in a way that meets the needs of farmers.
The Need for Action: Scaling Weather Services in LMICs
Despite promising efforts to provide weather and climate information to farmers over the past three decades, significant barriers remain. To reach the hundreds of millions of farmers who could benefit from these services, we need:
AIM for Scale, in partnership with the Innovation Commission, has developed a blueprint for coordinated action to bridge these gaps. Our Innovation Package is designed to deliver high-quality, farmer-relevant weather information and address three key premises:
Access to accurate information is crucial for decision-making.
The delivery method and messaging significantly affect how farmers use weather forecasts.
The quality of weather information can be improved through better data and advanced technologies like AI.
This comprehensive approach aims to overcome historical barriers and provide actionable, localized weather forecasts to farmers in LMICs.
This Innovation Package addresses investment and coordination gaps along the supply chain of weather services for farmers. It includes upstream and downstream investments to:
These components should not be treated as sequential steps, but rather as interacting and complementary investments. AIM for Scale is leading a consortium of partners to ensure the completion and coordination of activities, with the ultimate goal of supporting hundreds of millions of farmers with farmer-relevant weather information. The Innovation Package involves global coordination for the development of guidance, prototyping, and best practices for and from national implementation, as well as regional and local investments involving National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS), government agencies, the private sector, and farmers.
We propose to improve accessibility and availability of meteorological and agricultural data through diplomatic efforts, innovative financing models, and infrastructure enhancement. This component is initiating in 2024, with various timelines for specific activities ranging from 6 months to 3 years.
We propose to enhance the transparency of forecast performance and incentivize LMIC focused model innovation through a publicly-available benchmarking and validation system that accounts for local needs, building on and expanding ongoing efforts to reach global scale. This component is initiating in 2024, with a timeline of 2 years for completion.
We propose to democratize the production of farmer-centered weather forecasts in LMICs by leveraging advances in AI. This component will begin in 2024, with various timelines for specific activities ranging from 1 year to 3 years.
AIM for Scale is proposing to broker partnerships to strengthen digital systems and co-produce and deliver advisory services, using weather information as an entry point. This component will begin in 2025, with various timelines for specific activities ranging from 6 months to 2 years.
AIM for Scale is proposing to facilitate testing and evaluation to effectively scale dissemination efforts. This component will begin in 2025, with various timelines for specific activities ranging from 3 months to several years.
For more information on how you can get involved in the Weather Innovation Package, please reach out to us at: